
The Teaching of Sexualized Material - Public Schools of America

Reading time: 7 minutes | By: PEOPLES FIGHT  | Oct 22, 2021

The teaching of sexualized content to kids is very new to the American people. Online learning from home has uncovered that the curriculum's title does not match the curriculum's content. This is true for children all over The United States of America. Sexualized teachings has not only been normalized in schools but also outside of the classroom. It is happening everywhere, on billboards, television adverts, on the subway and lastly, it is most probably taught in your child’s curriculum. Indoctrination occurs in many different forms and while you as a parent wouldn’t be able to take action or control all forms of it, school just might be the best place to start. A lot of parents like you have been getting involved in fighting against the normalization of sexualized content for kids. This piece will shed light on some recent examples of sexualized teachings that your child could be exposed to.

Not too long ago, at a California Family Council Board meeting, a board member justified the teaching of sexualized content to children with spirituality. The parents at the meeting were requesting the removal of sexual content from the curriculum when they got this spiritual response from the board member. She talks about how the curriculum is curated to teach children of any age to embrace diversity and that the curriculum is reflective of that. Her argument is that as an American Indian, the curriculum reminds her of spiritual work in the American Indian community that involves gay and bisexual content. She deflects from the subject at hand of which is the parents’ request for the curriculum not to be taught to their kids, and instead responds with an elaboration of the curriculum and its content that the parents already know about.

In another conversation, a clinical psychologist brings up his concerns to a board meeting over the teaching of sexualized content, labeling it as child abuse. He is wholeheartedly against the teaching of the curriculum that normalizes the teaching of Transgender content to children. He is particularly experienced in this field for over 25 years. He talks about how the only people supportive of this curriculum are LGBT folks and that medical and psychological professionals are against it. He cites two experts including the president of the American College of Pediatrics who labels this sex education curriculum as child abuse. The president has stated that curriculums that promote affirming content can cause psychological damage to children. He also cites a psychiatric professor from John Hopkins University who recognizes that transgender is not a biological issue but a mental one. He himself brings up how he has dealt with transgender patients who have often regretted transitioning and hence children shouldn’t be confused with such content in their curriculum.

In a different setting, a woman on a subway furiously takes down sexualized content from posters on a train. The content of which includes depictions of graphic ads representing inappropriate kissing and groping of men and women to represent the many different sexualities out there. As a concerned parent just like you, she angerly explains how her children and other children shouldn’t be exposed to such content. While the media has normalized such content and has told you that all of this is okay, it is in fact not okay, as another concerned civilian points out during the incident.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to convince any parent that the teaching of such content is propaganda. Propaganda is being used to stir your children from their values or a proper upbringing that will allow them to be the productive and morally intact citizens they should aspire to be. Such parents from these cases are a good example of how taking action no matter how little it may seem is important. Raising awareness and advocating for the rights of American children is a fight that parents are in favor of.